Embracing Emotional Eating with Laura Casasayas
Laura Casasayas is a Spanish Dietitian and Acupuncturist based in Aptos, CA. She is specialized in mindful eating for women who are overcoming disordered eating and yo-yo dieting, and looking to build a more loving relationship with their bodies. Laura has more than 15 years of experience with groups, public speaking and 1 on 1 consultations, and is the author of ebooks on mindful eating.
Website: lauracasasayas
Facebook: LauraCasasayasNutricion
Instagram: aprendeacomercomiendo

More about Laura’s upcoming event:
March 21-22, 2 day mindful eating workshop
Mindful eating: The art of presence while you eat.
Build a happier, healthier and more compassionate relationship with food and your body.
Mindful Eating supports the practice of mindfulness while developing a healthier relationship to ourselves, resulting in a desire to eat well.
The objective of this workshop is to show you mindful, sustainable, caring and loving ways to improve your relationship with your food and your body.